Wednesday, December 28, 2011

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   Christiane Mell
22 Jan 11  11:28 AM MST
The law is often times used as the excuse for NOT acting ethically. People will justify their behavior by stating that "well, this is legal" as if that is the end of their responsibility on the matter. So, No, legal is not ethical. Ethics is responsibility. Responsibility to self, and responsibility to society. Laws help us to define what our boundaries are, perhaps as a guideline of behavior. I personally feel that the reason that the "books" are overflowing with laws, and laws and more laws, is because a great many people "forget" how to act in a socially responsible manner. We don't behave in a way that reflects accountability, so the lawmakers try to control this behavior by making what should be a matter of simple civility into a matter of law. Ethics do more than imply social responsiblity, I believe that they ARE social responsibilty. I have worked hard as a parent to instill this simple fact of life into the very core of my son. And as far as I can tell it is working. If each one of us would just take the time to ask ourselves those 3 questions every time we faced a difficult decision, well, if only..... Is it Legal? Is it balanced? How will it make me feel ABOUT MYSELF???? And pass it on to your children. If only.... :-)
Date Modified: 22 Jan 11  11:30 AM MST
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