Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It seems to me that there are as many reasons to start a non-profit as a for profit enterprise. The greatest difference is the desire for the “profit” of course and it also seems that different types of people are attracted to one rather than the other. In today’s climate, though, I believe that more and more of the sole “for profit” entrepreneur’s will be looking at social responsibility, social accountability and a way to feel not only fiscally responsible but also socially responsible. Even if they are just putting up a front of being interested in the well-being of others they will have to at least acknowledge that there is a greater purpose to being in business than to make a profit only for yourself. Those days may be slowing down a bit. That is my opinion.  But in looking at these many, many websites and organizations; I smell a trend. Anyone else?

2 articles worth the read. ( IMHO)

 “Of course, it isn't just about the ability to reap charitable donations; there are plenty of other reasons to launch a nonprofit social enterprise. The confusing thing is there are just as many reasons - if not more - for social entrepreneurs to set up a for-profit business as well.”( read more…..)@

 “Another way to distinguish between the two types of entrepreneurship is by identifying what social entrepreneurship is not:" (read more @...)


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