Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Humble Opinion

Seeing life through the filter of our deeply ingrained beliefs is a very difficult concept for people to see beyond. The current election (and any election) is often a time when we get a clear view of how strongly people cling to their personal beliefs. It is difficult to even get them to admit that what they are speaking of are not "facts" in the actual meaning of the word. Making statements such as, "Democrats are giving the country away", "All Republicans are right-wing, conservative, wealthy  & self-serving ", “Obama is a socialist” “ The Christian Right have taken over the Republican Party”, etc.etc. etc. those are not facts, but would I like to try and convince  anyone of this? No thank you. I am not a huge fan of political discussions. I find that there is far too much anger and resentment  underlying most political conversations.  Our current climate is very contentious and people speak of “facts” when I am not hearing many, if any, facts at all, I hear a lot of  “he said”, “she said”, “they said”s  being strewn around as “facts” but it seems that we have confused  the editorial page and the front page in our current climate.  My point is, that any time that we do not take the time to think for ourselves or we immediately jump to a conclusion or rush to agree or disagree based on the words of a self-proclaimed authority, no matter who that authority may be, we do ourselves a grave disservice. Gather information and then take that information and go out and check the facts. And don’t use the excuse that we don’t have time to do research ourselves, I feel, that that is precisely how we have become such a reality-tv based, sensational headline seeking, anger filled society in the first place. We have a responsibility to ourselves to think and to question. But that is just my opinion. J

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