“My life has been a tapestry
Of rich and royal hue;
An everlasting vision
Of the ever-changing view;
A wond'rous woven magic
In bits of blue and gold;
A tapestry to feel and see;
Of rich and royal hue;
An everlasting vision
Of the ever-changing view;
A wond'rous woven magic
In bits of blue and gold;
A tapestry to feel and see;
Impossible to hold. ..”
Carole King Tapestry 1971 http://www.lyricsg.com/159360/lyrics/caroleking/tapestry.html
So, for some reason when I read this question I could not quit thinking of this song. I played this album (yes, it was vinyl) until, some ten years later, it needed to be replaced by a new one. Then it was replaced by a cassette tape, a CD and now it is on my iPod. It has changed form, as we all do through the years, and yet has retained its beautiful songs and amazing message. And even the message has changed with the passing years because my perception is altered with the passage of time. The lyrics to the songs of my youth have a different meaning now than they did when I first heard them. “My life has been a tapestry”, I had no idea at 14 years old what those words would mean to me at the age of 53. I am sure it never even entered my mind to think of such a thing. Life is like that. We enjoy playing the “where will I be in ______ years” game with ourselves. But I wonder how often the course that we set out on is the one that we ultimately travel? And is that necessarily a bad thing? Of course we must make plans, we must have goals and dreams and visions of our futures, and these are the things that spark our desire, the making of plans, the fulfillment of goals and dreams. But what of the times when life has made plans for us? Those are the times that test us and force us to reconsider our course. It is at those times that it is imperative to have flexibility, a positive attitude and strong sense of who we are on the inside.
To know my own inner truth. To have the ability to look at my life with an objective eye is a great gift. I would not want to be so attached to the outcome of my original plan, that I would fail to see that my goals have shifted, as I myself shift, in my perceptions and attitudes , and I may need to alter my course. Maybe change it completely. It is those changes that have created the tapestry of my life. Just as a painting of one color would be a bit dull and a song played in one note would hardly be a song at all, a life lived at one level, at least in my opinion, would be less than what life was intended to be. I am not the same Chris that I was when I was 14, or 24 or 30, 40 or even last year. And I hope to continue to be a more evolved version of myself with each passing year. Because, like my favorite music has changed form and the manner in which it is delivered, I too will change form and the manner in which I choose to deliver my own song, and yet the beauty and inherent meaning of that song will still be my own.